Telecommunications | Food | Tortuguita | Wonderful Pistachios | Turtles | Sours
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001 – Fundación Ayuda contra la Drogacción
Advertising of an organization fighting with drug addiction. A turtle lying on its back is shown – which is probably meant to symbolize the sad situation of people with a drug problem.

002 – Wisconsin Department of Transportation
Advertisement prepared by the Department of Transportation in the US state of Wisconsin. It refers to the history of The Tortoise and the Hare , the tortoise is a real reptile and the man is driving a car with a HARE registration. However, he exceeds the speed and is stopped by the police, while the turtle slowly walks along, not worried – this is also the message of the advertisement – not to exceed the speed.

003 – Transport for London
Social advertisement prepared by an organization dealing with transport in London. Two groups of people are shown, one in turtle masks and the other in hare masks, which is again a reference to a tortoise and a hare. The general message is to be careful when stepping onto the lanes (don’t do it quickly, as showed by the hares).

004 – Save the Children
E-advertisement, viral published on Youtube. Throughout the advertisement, eating turtle is shown, and Alan Rickman narrates about the fundraising.

005 – West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation
Social advertisement, showing a helpless turtle lying on his back, however, someone helps him to turn around, thanks to which he is able to walk on its own.

006 – West Tennessee Healthcare Foundation
A social ad, similar to the one above, shows a helpless turtle lying on its back, over which many people pass indifferently, until one person stops and helps it.

007 – Oceana
Advertising of an organization dealing with the protection of the world’s oceans. This one, specifically encourages the support of activities aimed at preventing the catching of sea turtles.

008 – Ministerio de la Gobernación
Advertising of the Spanish ministry, probably the transport department (we do not know the language, we estimate it with the help of google translate). Two little turtles play without shells, but at the sight of a large elephant approaching, their guardian puts them in shells to protect them. The general message is, we think, to teach children to behave properly on the road/pedestrian crossings.

009 – Den Danske Dyrlægeforening
All advertising is in Danish, so it’s hard for as to say something certain about what they say. But this video is part of the Danish Veterinary Association’s “Are you ready for a pet?” Campaign to raise awareness among people who are considering having a pet – in this case, the whole video is about a turtle.

010 – Assessorato al Governo del Territorio – Regione Campania
Campaign of the social-Italian region Campania to educate citizens about building abuses and environmental crimes – most of the advertising is a normal, regular turtle that seems to be presented as something positive (the advertisement is in Italian), then there is also a turtle with a multi-level shell, tone of voice the narrator changes to a less friendly, this turtle is probably supposed to symbolize an example of construction abuse.

011 – Fundacja TVN
The foundation’s advertisement, the turtle appears in speech and in the form of stuffed animals and other toys. Turtle fragments of the text: “Żółw podróżnik żywo wierzy, że żaglówką glob przemierzy” (“The traveler’s turtle firmly believes that he will travel the globe in a sailboat”) and “A tak naprawdę się taplał w kałuży” (“In fact, he was wallowing in a puddle”).

012 – Sea Shepherd
A spot promoting the activities of Sea Shepherd, one of the fragments shows a sea turtle and says that what they do, they also do for turtles.

013 – American Humane Association
In one scene, a swimming sea turtle is shown.

014 – Best Friends Animal Society
Advertisement for an animal welfare organization, with scenes from DC League of Super-Pets, including the turtle from this animation.

015 – Coast Guard Foundation
A spot promoting the Coast Guard, you can see how they help release a sea turtle back into the water.

016 – World Wildlife Fund
This spot is entirely about turtles and the fact that actions related to helping them require financial support.