Tales from Jabba’s Palace

Title: Tales from Jabba’s Palace
Author(s): Various
Release year: 1995
Publisher: Bantam Spectra

Why in Database: Turtle appears in only one of the stories in this collection,Goatgrass: The Tale of Ree-Yees (Author: Deborah Wheeler), where there is a single mention.

The faint scuffle of footsteps answered him, then a muffled cry. Scorch the two-eyes then, he’d find the shipment on his own. He hurried into the receiving area. Here the walls were lined with boxes of pickled meats, crates of dried fruits and beetles, casks of wine, jars of preserved tortoise dung, honeyed oil, caviar, and radioactive potassium salts—all the delicacies the Hutt’s appetite required. He began looking around, lifting the lids of packing crates, peering down aisles of stacked cartons and around giant barrels.

Author: XYuriTT

Children of the Jedi

Title: Children of the Jedi
Author(s): Barbara Hambly
Release year: 1995
Publisher: Bantam Spectra

Why in Database: Turtle appears in this book only in the form of one mention, as a comparison.

The glow of Luke’s staff picked out moving angles, blocky SP-80’S going about their monotonous business in company with apparatus not intended to interface with humans at all, MMD’S of all sizes, scooting RI’S and MSE’S, and a midsize Magnobore that bumped Luke’s calves like a mammoth turtle.

Author: XYuriTT

The Mandalorian Armor

Title: The Mandalorian Armor
Author(s): Kevin W. Jeter
Release year: 1998
Publisher: Bantam Spectra

Why in Database: Turtles appear in this book only in the form of one mention, comparison:

All that showed of the Shell Hutts’ soft, gelatinous flesh were their jowly faces, protruding tortoiselike from iris- collared ports at the front of the floating ovoid cases.

Author: XYuriTT

Darth Plagueis

Title: Darth Plagueis
Author(s): James Luceno
Release year: 2012
Publisher: Del Rey

Why in Database: The turtle element appears in this book in the form of one mention, comparing one of the races from this universe, the Yinchorri, to turtles.

That resolve, Plagueis had learned after more than two years of experimentation on the Yinchorri, was in fact a kind of Force bubble fashioned by the turtle-like alien’s limited number of unusually willful midi-chlorians. This suggested that the Yinchorri was actually strong in the Force, despite his pitifully low count.

Author: XYuriTT

Johnny and the Dead

Title: Johnny and the Dead
Author(s): Terry Pratchett
Release year: 1993
Publisher: HarperCollins

Why in Database: One of Pratchett’s books, with two turtle fragments in it.

‘Don’t think so. Anyway … they don’t eat sarnies in Mexico. They eat tort … something.’

Now there were three people sitting on the bench. Tommy Atkins had his peaked hat on his knees. The uniform didn’t really fit. He was still an old man, so his skinny neck stuck out of his collar like a tortoise’s. He had an old-fashioned sort of face—one designed to wear a cloth cap and work in the rubber boot factory. He saw Johnny staring at him, and winked, and gave him the thumbs-up sign.Then he went back to gazing intently at the road leading into the parking lot.

Author: XYuriTT


Title: Futu.Re
Original title: Будущее
Author(s): Dmitry Glukhovsky
Translation: Andrew Bromfield (ENG)
Release year: 2013 (RU), 2015 (ENG)
Publisher: Литрес (RU), CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (ENG)

Why in Database: A book with a few turtle fragments. The first one refers to the concept of World Turtle:

Pills are all the trend. Choose any kind you fancy. Pills for happiness, serenity, meaning… This Earth of ours stands on three Elephants, standing on the shell of an immense tortoise, standing on the back of a humungous great whale, and they’re all standing on pills.

The next two mentions are typical turtle statements:

I lean down over him, he’s not breathing any longer. I clutch his wrist, hoping to hook up some little vein pulsing in the cold flesh under that tortoise skin. I lash him on the cheeks – but no, he’s dead, turning blue. What do I do about this? He wasn’t supposed to die!

You just crawl along!” she shouts at me, panting. “You’re a tortoise. Come on, tortoise, enter the coordinates! Which tube do we need?”

The last two fragments are about an inflatable swimming turtle:

I emerge on the opposite side of the globe, somewhere in the antipodes, in Australia. A hostel with wood-plank walls on the shore of the ocean; abandoned surfboards with peeling paint lying on a beach that runs off beyond the horizon; a large inflatable turtle nuzzling at the wet sand in the feeble artificial surf. Not far from the shoreline a shark’s fin has got jammed in the green water, sticking up as if it’s rooted to the spot.

Beatrice’s hazy glance from the upstairs window. The furiously circling sun.
The inflatable turtle and the abbreviated ocean. The laboratory. It’s all gone. Olaf with the holes in his stomach. He didn’t have anything to lose.

Source: Jacek112, Developed: XYuriTT

Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade

Title: Inquisitor: Rise of the Red Blade
Author(s): Delilah S. Dawson
Release year: 2023
Publisher: Random House Worlds

Why in Database: Turtles appear in this book in the form of a mention of aggressive underground turtles, followed by a description of very turtle-looking animals called Thraxsos – it is possible that both are the same animal.

She reached out in the Force, feeling the rippling dance of the grass, the steady waving of the trees, the green shoots at the tips of each vine, the possibility in the rich, black soil. She could feel tiny bugs, busy worms, burrowing mammals, and some very aggressive underground turtles.

Before Tualon could answer, Iskat darted forward, swinging her lightsabers as a giant shape galloped out of the grass—and right through the shield. Her upswing caught it in the wide, scaly neck, and it tumbled sideways, muscular legs churning. It was reptilian, rippling with violet and green stripes that looked like dappled shadow and a wide, stout body as tall as her shoulders with a sort of frilled shell on its back. Its long tail thrashed, and its four stubby legs flailed as it tried to stand even as thick, violet blood gushed from its wound.

“Thraxsos,” the Anzellan muttered. “Useless things. The giant birds that preyed upon them died out, and now they just gallop around, eating everything in sight, including each other.

Source: Slavek_8, Developed: XYuriTT


Title: Empuzjon
Author(s): Olga Tokarczuk
Release year: 2022 (PL)
Publisher: Publisher Literackie (PL)

Why in Database: Turtles appear in this book only in the form of a mention of tortoiseshell.

Trzymała wzrok skierowany gdzieś w lewo w dół, a jej okulary w szylkretowych oprawkach miały kolor brudnej wody.

Source: Mossar, Developed: XYuriTT

Fuga. Powieść polifoniczna

Title: Fuga. Powieść polifoniczna
Author(s): Magdalena Anna Sakowska
Release year: Empik Go (PL)
Publisher: 2022 (PL)

Why in Database: Turtles appear in this book in two fragments, one of which may be considered a loose reference to the ninja turtles.

Owszem, z zewnątrz nie wygląda to najlepiej: zalana krwią twarz, pazury drapiące skórę, zdaje się, że rozszaRepublic of South Africana do kości łydka, lecz najważniejsze jest to, że nie dałam się zaskoczyć i przybrałam właściwą pozycję, która wraz ze stalowymi obręczami wokół szyi i głowy ma szansę utrzymać te dwie części mojego ciała we wzajemnej bliskości jeszcze trochę dłużej. Jak to nazwał trener? Taktyka żółwia?

Nie mogę mieć do nich żalu. Przecież to tylko dzieciaki! Kto inny wystroiłby się na arenę jak wojowniczy żółw!

Author: XYuriTT