World Turtle

World Turtle is a character from the myths and beliefs of various people on earth, we will soon introduce this topic properly.

One of the more famous variations on this turtle is A`Tuin from the DiscWorld.

At the moment in the base we have, apart from A’Tuin, a few cases of references to this “character”.
Four in the movies, in Love and Peace where one of the characters has a guitar stylized this way, and in AINBO: Spirit of the Amazon we can see this “character’ in person.
In Year One and The King and I it is mentioned in dialogue.

The book The Science of Discworld IV – Judgment Day, although it is part of the Discworld, and therefore A’Tuin appears, explores the subject of the World Turtle quite deeply. In the book Futu.Re this concept is mentioned only in one sentence.

Also in Pokemon, in one of the episodes Torkoal is presented in a manner related to the theme.

We have two interesting cases in the comic database, one is a comic strip by Ted Rall, the other is a comic from the World of Warcraft universe which shows a turtle named Shen-zin Su. In addition, we also have a summary of this theme in various comics.

Shen-zin Su! from the computer game World of Warcraft can also be considered an example of referring to this concept.

In our music database, we have two song with some references to World Turtle:
Every Time I DieTurtles All the Way Down
Hothouse FlowersSpirit of the Land

Staying on the musical topic, we found a reference to World Turtle in one music video:
Eddie Murphy ft. Michael Jackson – Whatzupwitu

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