Title: Parks and Recreation
Year: 2009-2020
Actors: Amy Poehler, Nick Offerman, Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt, Aziz Ansari, Jim O’Heir, Retta, Rashida Jones, Adam Scott, Rob Lowe
Genre: Comedy
Country: USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes
Why in Database: We found the turtle elements in nine episodes, all of them are actually textual, sometimes in the form of written text, sometimes in the form of a verbal mention.
S02E12 – Christmas Scandal – The turtle is mentioned in the form of turtle flu, which one character mentions in the context that he is not afraid of swine flu, he already had it, it is the turtle flu that worries him.
– I’m not worried about the swine flu. I already have the swine flu. I’m worried about the turtle flu!
– The turtle flu …
– Turtle flu.
– Turtle flu.
S03E10 – Soulmates – Turtles are mentioned during scene with filling out a profile on a dating site. The protagonist states that she loves cats and fish, but about turtles she has no opinion.
– Cats.
– Love.
– Fish.
– Love.
– Turtles.
– No opinion.
S04E04 – Pawnee Rangers – The turtle appears in the form of a turtleneck – here it is simply shortened by the protagonist to “turtle”, specifically, made from cashmere.
Treat yourself. Velvet slippies, cashmere socks, velvet pants, cashmere turtle.
S04E12 – Campaign Ad – At some point, a list of things which the main character is for/against appears on the screen, in the context of elections. One of the items is abot turtles.
No turtles as pets
S05E20 – Jerry’s Retirement – The turtle appears only in the form of a medical mention – one of the heroes’ resting heart rate is defined as that of a 100-year-old turtle.
– You might be the healthiest human being we’ve ever seen. You have the resting heart rate of a 100-year-old tortoise.
S06E06 – Filibuster – One of the characters tells another character that he could get a balloon for her, with Ninja Turtles.
– I could get you, uh, a ninja turtle balloon.
S06E07 – Recall Vote – Turtles are in the form of a mention, one character says that they are prepared to survive the last hours before the election results, incl. they have prepared Youtube videos with turtles and birds that become friends. In addition, on the desk of one of the characters you can see something that may be a turtle figurine.
– Anything she could possibly need to get her through these final hours, we got it covered … Back rubs, YouTube videos of turtles and birds becoming friends.
S07E04 – Leslie and Ron – This episode features a kind of remake of Bily Joel’s song “We didnt start the fire” – one of the characters sings his own text to her, incl. mentioning phrase “Oprah has a turtle farm”.
Freddy Krueger bought some pants. Oprah has a turtle farm. Peter Piper pee-pee poopy
S07E10 – The Johnny Karate Super Awesome Musical Explosion Show – During the program that leads one of the characters, subtitles appear, incl. stating that the moment the viewer enters Studio 46, the Company is not responsible for the actions of the escaped animals, the Egyptian Turtle is among the listed species.
Once the Viewer has entered Studio 46, the Company is not liable for the actions, noises, behaviors, or attacks of any Loose Animal, including but not limited to: (…) Egyptian Tortoise
Author: XYuriTT