Title: Rick and Morty
Year: 2013-ongoing
English dubbing: Justin Roiland, Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, Sarah Chalke, Kari Wahlgren, Dan Harmon, Maurice LaMarche
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Comedy, SF
Country: USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes
Why in Database: We found the turtle elements in four episodes:
S01E03 – Anatomy Park – In the title “park”, in the section with catering facilities, you can see a place called “Turtle Fiesta!”.
S02E04 – Total Rickall – The episode is about a parasite that takes many forms. One of these forms is the turtle in the winter hat, it has no name whatsoever, and it has no greater role than being “part of the group”.
S03E08 – Morty’s Mind Blowers – The “Truth Tortoise” figurine is an essential part of the initial part of the episode. In the background, you can also see a sculpture that may suggest associations of turtles.
S04E08 – The Vat of Acid Episode – Among the objects that can be seen in the “laboratory” you can see a canister with the word “TGRI”, which is a clear reference to Ninja Turtles (film).
Author: XYuriTT