Title: The Rise of Endymion
Author(s): Dan Simmons
Release year: 1997
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
Why in Database: Turtles appear in this book in two fragments, quoted below:
The first appearance is a typical reference to turtle slowness:
Thirty minutes later, the Uriel, Raphael, Remiel, Sariel, Michael, and Raguel would translate in-system. Dropping to only three-quarters lightspeed, the task force would be moving like bullets compared to the tortoise velocities of the accelerating Ouster torchips.
In the second appearance, the turtles are one of the species mentioned by the character:
(…) but that our prophecies begin to be realized this day and that all species of beloved life—humanity no more than the soft-shelled turtle or Mare Infinitus Lantern Mouth, the jumping spider and the tesla tree, the Old Earth raccoon and the Maui-Covenant Thomas hawk—that all species beloved of life join in rebirth of respect as distinct partners in the universe’s growing cycle of life.