Title: Power Rangers Super Megaforce
Year: 2014
Actors: Andrew Gray, Ciara Hanna, John Mark Loudermilk, Christina Masterson, Azim Rizk, Geoff Dolan, Estevez Gillespie, Shailesh Prajapati, Ian Harcourt, Jason Hood, Chris Auer, Rebecca Parr
Genre: Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, SF
Country: USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes
Why in Database: In Season 21 of Power Rangers we found one turtle element, in the form of one of the “episode opponents” called Turtlelini. He has a slightly turtle character and uses a shield that can be associated with a turtleshell.
13 (780) – The Grass is Always Greener… or Bluer – Turtlelini appears in this episode.
Author: XYuriTT