Title: Magnum P.I.
Year: 2018-ongoing
Actors: Jay Hernandez, Perdita Weeks, Zachary Knighton, Stephen Hill, Amy Hill, Tim Kang
Genre: Action, Adventure, Criminal
Country: USA
Viewing method: Dwa pierwsze sezony.
Why in Database: We found turtle elements in six episodes, they are in the form of real turtles (sea turtles and those kept at home) and in the form of turtle-shaped ornaments:
S01E01 – I Saw the Sun Rise – You can see a real sea turtle in the wreck diving scene. Turtle in the wreckage.
S01E16 – Murder is Never Quiet – A real, clearly visible turtle appears in the aqua-terrarium. In addition, on the wall there is a turtle-shaped ornament.
S01E17 – Black is the Widow – There are turtle-shaped ornaments visible on the wall of the house – but they are blurry, because the only scene in which they are visible is very dynamic,.
S01E19 – Blood in the Water – A sea turtle appears, swimming underwater.
S02E07 – The Man in the Secret Room – In the two photos of the hotel where the episode takes place, you can see that on its side there is a painting or other kind of turtle-shaped ornament (actually two different, because the photos are from different time periods).
S02E09 – A Bullet Named Fate – There are turtle-shaped decorations on the wall of the house.
Author: XYuriTT