Sherman’s Lagoon is a series of comic strips created by Jim Toomey since May 13, 1991. They made their debut in Escondido Times-Advocate, and successfully found way to many other newspapers. At this address you can see the strips from the last seven days for free, the full archive is also available in the paid premium option (you get access to this and same other series).
The series focuses on three characters, the title Sherman is a shark, Hawthorne is a crab, and Fillmore is the reason why the comic get to our base – he is a turtle. In addition to them, of course, there are also other frequently occurring characters, such as Megan, who is a shark and the wife of the main character, the polar bear Thornton or the young computer genius, Ernest.
Fillmore appears in a large part of the stripes, judging “by eye”, he is present somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 stripes – with some short-term fluctuations of course (when the author pulls on a thread related to Fillmore for a week, then he will be on all stripes, when the author focuses on Sherman and Megan’s relationship, Fillmore may not appear even once). A fixed part of the comic book’s annual rhythm is Fillmore’s Ascension Island journey to find a mate. Usually more turtles are shown on this occasion, and the constant gag is that Fillmore’s efforts are not successful. Another notable plot is Claymore, Fillmore’s adopted son who can be seen from time to time in the comic.
Other turtle elements are rarer and more random, sometimes there is some random turtle in a comic or two, there were also cameos of other known turtle characters, like Ninja turtles and Verne.
Below are some selected stripes, chronologically. There are dates (in format yyyy-mm-dd) in the names of the files that allow you to determine on what day each of the strips was published:
Author: XYuriTT