Title: Northern Exposure
Year: 1990-1995
Actors: Barry Corbin, Janine Turner, John Cullum, Darren E. Burrows, John Corbett, Cynthia Geary, Elaine Miles, Peg Phillips, Rob Morrow
Polski Dubbing:
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Country: USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes
Why in Database:In this series, the turtle elements appears in dialogues in five episodes.
In Goodbye to All That (season 2, episode 1), one of the characters (Shelly) recites a TV shedule, mentioning a documentary movie about turtles.
8:00, National Audubon Society: Sea Turtles, Ancient Nomads.
In Animals ‘R’ Us (Season 3, Episode 4), the same documentary movie as in the episode described above is recalled (by Ed, a different character), but this time the title is given correctly. Besides, the main character also tells about the fact that he once had a turtle, which he really liked.
– You mean like on PBS- Sea Turtles: The Ancient Nomads.
– I did have a turtle once. Jimmy.
– What happened to him?
– Died. I buried him under the terrace. We lived on the second floor. There was this place in the dirt.
– Did you ever consider that as a sign of something lacking in yourself?
– No. That turtle liked me. Used to stick its little head right out from under its shell when I came home from school. See, I don’t know why dogs don’t like me
In Our Tribe (season 3, episode 12), the main character mentions again that he once had a turtle that died.
The Big Apple, you know, and, um, I never had any kind of animals. Except I did have a turtle, which, um-which died.
In A Cup of Joe (season 5, episode 9), one of the characters (Shelly) tells her partner that she is “hotheaded” like a group of Box Turtles.
You been as snappy as a box turtle since you got home.
In the next episode, Northern Hospitality (season 5, episode 16), the opposite happens, he (Holling) says about Shelly that he is like a snapping turtle if he insists on something.
She’s like a snapping turtle when she lets something get to her.
Author: XYuriTT