Title: Zwierzęta, zwierzęta
Author(s): Andrzej Trepka
Release year: 1989
Publisher: Nasza Księgarnia
Why in Database: A book devoted to various animals, by author whose one item we already have in the database. Here we have only two mentions of turtles.
This is one of the few books that we have in the TD database that came out originally in Polish and have never been translated – we decided to leave the quoted texts in the original language and present the content descriptively.
The first fragment is about the old habits in zoos (around 1910), i.e. keeping armadillos and turtles in the same cages with monkeys:
W tamtych czasach rozmaite naziemne kręgowce, jak pancerniki albo żółwie, chętnie trzymano we wspólnej klatce z małpami.
The second fragment is about the breath-holding of various animals, including the green turtle (which can hold their breaths for 5 hours):
Dla porównania, foka pospolita może zatrzymać powietrze przez 10 minut, kaszalot około 30 minut, żółw jadalny 5 godzin a wąż morski 8 godzin (wg. Dröschera).
Author: XYuriTT