Title: Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory
Year: Joe Berlinger, Bruce Sinofsky
Director: 2011
Wystąpili: Gary Gitchell, Todd Moore, Dana Moore, Pam Hobbs, Terry Hobbs, Melissa Byers, John Mark Byers, Damien Wayne Echols, Jason Baldwin, Jessie Misskelley, John Philipsborn, Don Horgan, John N. Fogleman, Mike Allen, Domini Teer
Genre: Documentary, Criminal
Country: USA
Why in Database: A movie about the same topic as West of Memphis, the infamous murder of three children in 1993 in Memphis. Turtles appear in this film only as two mentions in dialogues. The first is the name “Turtle Hill” which is mentioned in this movie. The second mention is made in the context of the injuries to the boys’ bodies, saying that they were probably caused by animals, such as turtles.
– This is the trail that goes across the area which is known as turtle hill.
– Could it be turtles that had done this, aquatic crabs, for instance? Sure.
Author: XYuriTT