Title: Access 360° World Heritage
Year: 2012-2014
Genre: Documentary
Country: USA
Viewing method: Whole series
Why in Database: Within two series, nine and eight episodes each, various examples of world heritage were presented, both natural and man-made. Turtles appear in four episodes of series one and three of the second, although only two appearances are “big”, two are “small”, and three are purely symbolic. A more detailed list:
Series 1:
1- The Amazon – Equipment used by poachers for hunting turtles and, briefly, turtle, is shown.
6 – Cappadocia – The turtle only appears verbally in the dialogue, one of the characters describing his balloon says it sounds like a jet but moves like a turtle.
8 – Palace of Versailles – Turtles only in the form of a fountain decoration.
9 – Great Barrier Reef – There are some pieces with sea turtles.
Series 1:
1 – Angkor Wat – Only in the quote, one character says “like a turtle on its back”
4 – Everglades – A short turtle farm scene.
8 – Galapagos – Lots of turtle scenes.
Author: XYuriTT