Turtle (Justice League)

The Turtle mentioned in this note is another incarnation of the character about which (two versions of him) we wrote earlier, in this note . He appears in several issues of the Justice League series and like previous incarnations, he is essentially a human (in this version, a baby) who only has a turtle name/nickname.

Justice League #02: He makes his debut on ~ three frames within one page, although it is not yet explained who he is, so after reading this issues only, you do not known that he is “the turtle”.

Justice League #04: Multiple frames within a few pages, it is explained that this he a new incarnation of Turtle, there is also a visual reference to his classic image of an older guy.

Justice League #05: He only appears in one frame.

Justice League #06: Only issue where he appears on the cover, in the comic itself, he is not very visible, appears in one frame.

Justice League #18: Only visible on two frames within one page.

Justice League #19: Only visible in one frame.

Justice League #22: Only visible in one frame.

Justice League Annual #01: Again, only one frame.

Author: XYuriTT

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