The Compleat Discworld Atlas

The Compleat Discworld Atlas
Author(s): Terry Pratchett, The Discworld Emporium
Release year: 2015
Publisher: Doubleday

Why in Database: Of course, the DiscWorld Atlas must have some turtle pieces – although in the textual layer there are few of them, and in the literal sense, none at all! They appear only in the table describing Krull: ““Exports: Star charts, chelonauts and shipwrecked people who are allowed home when the ransom is paid “, so it is an indirect mention (chelonauts), two pages later, an analogous mention of chelo-cosmology takes place: ““The country is ruled by the Arch-astronomer and Astrozoology is the best-funded department in their small but competent university. They have launched several missions over the Edge to explore what lies beneath and are acknowledged experts in the field of chelo-cosmology.

However, graphic elements are better – first of all, we get a huge two-sided map on which, on the one hand, the world of the disc is presented in the form of a geo-political map, and on the other side, a we have a big A’Tuin (see below). The turtle also appears on the front and back cover. There are also two pictures of a turtle inside, one with A`Tuin and one in an article about Omnia, the turtle is a tiny fragment of larger artwork. All graphics are shown below.

Author: XYuriTT

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