Title: Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
Original title (japan): Pokemon Za Mûbî XY: Hakai no Mayu to Dianshî
Year: 2014
Director: Kunihiko Yuyama
English dubbing: Sarah Natochenny, Michael Liscio, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, Haven Paschall, Michele Knotz, Suzy Myers, Eileen Stevens, Bill Rogers, Brittney Lee Hamilton, James Carter Cathcart, Lianne Marie Dobbs, Pete Zarustica
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, S-F
Country: Japan
Why in Database: In this movie, in one short scene we can see Blastoise – it’s the only turtle element here.
Author: XYuriTT