Cyberpunk 2077

Title: Cyberpunk 2077
Year: 2020
Producer: CD Projekt Red
Publisher: CD Projekt Red
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Google Stadia
Genre: Role-playing action game
Note based on: PC/Windows

Why in Database: Turtles appear in two ways in this game. The first one is more important, because the turtle is an important element of one of the quests available in the game, Happy Together (which, due to the turtle element in the quest, seems to be an obvious reference to the band The Turtles). At some point in the game, near your apartment, you can find two policemen who are knocking on the apartment of their friend, Barry Lewis, who, as a result of despair after the death of his friend, quit the service and locked himself in his apartment. A twist is the fact that the deceased Andrew’s friend was a turtle, which was not obvious from the beginning. The pet’s tombstone:

In loving memory of my best friend


You were a tortoise, but you listened like a person.
You were with me when grammy explained what was right.
You are the last memory of a better world.

Rest in peace.

The second turtle element in the game is only mentioning in the dialogue that Anthony Harris has with his teacher, about Liam’s turtle that Anthony killed.

Source: Jacek112, Developed: XYuriTT

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