Tytuł: The Moment of the Magician
Autor(zy): Alan Dean Foster
Rok wydania: 1984
Wydawnictwo: Phantasia Press
Dlaczego w bazie: Tak jak w poprzednich częściach serii Spellsinger, także czwarty tom ma scenki z żółwim magiem, Clothahumpem. Podobnie jak w tomie trzecim, pojawia się on jednak jedynie na początku, reszta książki skupia się na przygodach i wyprawie głównego bohatera, podczas gdy żółw został w domu. Poniżej kilka wybranych cytatów z interesujących nas fragmentów.
Pierwszy kawałek to ogólna charakterystyka Clothahumpa:
One who is wise beyond all others, knowledgeable beyond comprehending, stronger even, I think, than this Markus the Ineluctable… i hope. One who is brave, courageous, and bold, an inspiration to all other wizards. It is he whose help we must have: Clothahump of the Tree.”
Drugi to rozmowy o miłości:
„I don’t want your potions or prescriptions, Clothahump. I want your wise, sage advice.”
„Really? All right. Get a haircut.”
Jen-Tom moaned. His hair was only shoulderlength, „Not here too. Or do you have a prejudice against fur because you’ve none of your own?”
The turtle looked down at himself. „My, my, so you’ve noticed that, have you? I can’t imagine how one so observant hasn’t been able to win the undying affection of the woman he thinks loves him.”
„It’s not a question of 'winning,'” Jen-Tom muttered”This isn’t a war.”
„Isn’t it now? Dear me! Perhaps after your first two hundred years you’ll learn to adjust that view.”
„And don’t lay any of that 'venerable ancient’ shit on me, either! I want your advice, not your sarcasm.”
Clothahump peered over his glasses. „If you want to learn what love is all about, my boy, you’d better learn to handle sarcasm.”
Kolejny to złośliwości żółwia na temat nieudanego do końca czaru głównego bohatera:
Clothahump sighed, gave him a fatherly pat on the back. 'That’s all right, tad. We’re all a little overconfident now and again. You were right about one thing, though. If your ladylove were here, I’ve no doubt she’d be impressed with this little floral tribute of yours… if she wasn’t cut to ribbons first. I will say this for your spellsinging: you don’t seem able to do anything in a small way” At least a thousand blossoms of all shades and hues kept them imprisoned on the bed.
Clothahump wykręca się swą starością od udziału w wyprawie:
„What do you mean *our* supplies, my boy?”
Jon-Tom hailed in mid-stride. „Now, wait a minute.
What about all that business about your being 'courageous, brave, and bold’?”
„Dear me, is that what he said?” Clothahump was studying the ceiling. „I thought certain he said 'courageous, brave, and old.’ Because that is an accurate description. In any case, I’m certainly not about to leave my work here to embark on some long hike simply to salve the injured feelings of a deposed wizard. As 1 said, this hardly sounds to me like a crisis”
„No crisis, eh? Some evil sorcerer from another world throws a colleague of yours out of office and is scheming to take over an entire city with who-knowswhat eventual aims in mind, and you don’t call that a crisis?”
„It’s not my city, and I’m not the one who’s been deposed. As for Opiode the Sly’s being a colleague.
O wzruszającym ramionami żółwiu:
Clothahump shrugged beneath his shell. „It’s your neck, my boy. You choose your own companions.”
Refleksja Clothahumpa na temat swojego poczucia humoru:
„I do not play jokes,” declaimed Clothahump with dignity. „Such mundane exercises in plebeian amusement are beneath my stature.” He coughed lighdy. „I do admit to some slight subtle sense of humor, however. At my age you pass up no opportunity for some mild amusement.
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