Tytuł: Son of Spellsinger
Autor(zy): Alan Dean Foster
Rok wydania: 1993
Wydawnictwo: Warner Books
Dlaczego w bazie: Przedostatni tom Serii Spellsinger, jak tytuł sugeruje, skupia się na synu dotychczasowego głównego bohatera. Jak w większości tomów, pojawiający się tu stary żółw i doskonały mag Clothahump obecny jest tylko w początkowej części powieści, potem bohaterowie wyruszają (i czasem go wspominają w myślach/dialogach) a on zostaje w domu. Poniżej prezentujemy kilka wybranych fragmentów:
Pierwszy mówi coś niecoś o charakterze Clothahumpa:
“Clothahump and I have some long-term, overdue debtors, but we’ve never used any strong-arm collection techniques. Nothing that would turn anyone vengeful. At least, I haven’t. I can mention it to Clothahump. You know how he can get about money sometimes.”
“The old miser,” Talea muttered.
“With him it’s not the interest. It’s the principal of the thing.”
W drugim główny bohater źle mówi o żółwiu, przez co jest zbesztany przez swoją matkę:
“Clothahump could do it,” Buncan muttered. “If he was interested in anybody’s problems besides his own.”
Talea whacked him on the side of his arc-inscribed head. “Don’t speak like that about your goduncle. Even if he is a turtle. He’s been very good to your father and me, when he could just as easily have decorporalized us and had done with it, after all the trouble we caused him.”
Kolejny to ogólny fragment o Clothahumpie:
The owl disappeared. Clothahump finished his tea, then rose with the slowness of great age and stared out the window toward the distant woods. There was no sign of young Meriweather. Clothahump hoped he was on his way home, though that was unlikely.
Well, it wasn’t his responsibility. He had other matters to attend to. There were alcoves and storage chambers inside the tree that hadn’t been scoured in a hundred years. That’s what happened when you put off cleaning for a few decades. Jon-Tom and Talea would have to straighten the lad out by themselves.
Checking the drawers set in his plastron, he trundled off in the direction of his workshop. The tornado ought to be about finished there by now. Have to make sure and empty it outside, he reminded himself.
W kolejnym bohater zastanawia się czym jest główne zagrożenie jakie się pojawi w książce, skoro boi się go nawet Clothahump:
The Grand Veritable, the merchant Gragelouth had called it. Reality or delusion, it had certainly provoked Clothahump. What could be formidable enough to cause the great wizard to adamantly refuse to acknowledge so much as its possible existence? What could frighten the all-powerful Clothahump that badly?
Ostatni wybrany przez nas fragment dotyczy poczucia humoru Clothahumpa:
“Not now.” Clothahump waved magnanimously. “Even absurd tales have their uses. One must balance enlightenment with entertainment. This is fortunate for you, elsewise I might have turned you into a cockroach as penance for interrupting my sleep.” The sloth started, sleepy eyes suddenly wide. Jon-Tom was quick to reassure him.
“Clothahump has a unique sense of humor.”

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