Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)

Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Year: 2012-2017
Director: Ciro Nieli, Alan Wan, Ben Jones, Michael Chang, Sebastian Montes, Chris Woods, Chad Van De Keere, Rie Koga, Juan Jose Meza-Leon
English dubbing: Sean Astin, Rob Paulsen, Greg Cipes, Mae Whitman, Hoon Lee, Seth Green, Kevin Michael Richardson, Josh Peck
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Drama, Family, S-F
Country: USA
Viewing method: Whole series

Why in Database: Third animated series and fourth overall with Ninja Turtles.

The series has 124 episodes, and turtles appear in all episodes, of course. In addition, Raphael’s turtle, Spike, appears in some episodes and later hemutates into Slash. Tokka, who is a huge space turtle-like creature, also appears in two episodes, as well as her baby, finally adopted by Raphael.

Author: XYuriTT

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