Title: Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Year: 2008-2014
English dubbing: Sam Witwer, James Arnold Taylor, Clancy Brown, Nika Futterman, Barbara Goodson, Tom Kane, Terrence ‘T.C.’ Carson
Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, SF, Drama, Fantasy
Country: USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes
Why in Database: In three episodes of thi series there is a space unit that slightly resembles a turtle (the cockpit placed in the front can be considered a head, the body of this transport is a shell, and the four engines are placed in a way resembling turtle’s feet) – as long as this similarity could be discussed on the official website starwars.com in their database, the vehicle is described as Turtle Tanker, which rather unequivocally justifies its presence here. This vehicle appears and has some airtime in season four episodes 21 (Brothers) and 22 (Revenge, final episode of the season).
At the very beginning of the first episode of season five (Revival ) it is visible only for a moment when the events of the previous season’s finale are summarized.
Author: XYuriTT