Title: Regarding Henry
Year: 1991
Director: Mike Nichols
Actors: Harrison Ford, Annette Bening, Michael Haley, Stanley Swerdlow, Julie Follansbee, Rebecca Miller, Bruce Altman, Elizabeth Wilson, Donald Moffat, Kamian Allen, Aida Linares, John MacKay, Mary Gilbert, Peter Appel, Harsh Nayyar
Genre: Drama, Romance
Country: USA
Why in Database: The turtle appears verbally and symbolically in this movie. At the beginning of the film, the main character talks on the phone with a supplier who provided him with the wrong table, according to the hero, the one he received looks like a damned turtle. Later, in a few scenes, you can see this table, the table top actually brings to mind turtles, the character himself (who loses his memory) also changes his attitude towards the table, not remembering that he didn’t like it, he finds it quite cool.
I’m having a party on Friday, and the table sitting in my dining room looks like a goddamned turtle.
Author: XYuriTT