Title: Monster Mutt
Year: 2011
Director: Todd Tucker
Actors: Rhiannon Leigh Wryn, Bart Johnson, William Brent, Zack Ward, Brian Stepanek, Bob Gibson, Mindy Sterling, Juliet Landau, Alastair Mackenzie, Jacqueline Pinol, John Kassir, Destin Bigsby, Kim Fields ..
Genre: Comedy, Family, SF
Country: USA
Why in Database: In one of the scenes there is a fire at the vet – one of the heroes takes the endangered animals from there, including the turtle. There is a comic element – he puts Turtle on the ground and says to him like to all other animals “run, save life !”, but then he picks it up again and takes it a little further, because the turtle itself can not run. Then the turtle is “used” again, the hero says to the firefighter showing something outside the frame, “Look, turtle, you should pick it up” to distract him.
Run for uour life!
Oh, look, a turtle, you should pick that up.
Author: XYuriTT