Title: Jurassic Park
Author(s): Michael Crichton
Release year: 1990
Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
Why in Database: In this book, full of other “extinct” reptiles as most probably know, we found two turtle fragments.
The first one is about laying eggs,:
And the new studies of group behavior, based largely on Grant’s own work, suggested that dinosaurs had a complex social life and reared their young, as reptiles did not. Crocodiles and turtles abandon their eggs. But dinosaurs probably did not.
In the second passage, the Stegosaurus is compared to a tortoise:
Slowly, Tim got to his feet. In the darkness he heard the snuffling, and saw the stegosaur coming back, apparently attracted by the crash of the Land Cruiser. The dinosaur moved dumbly, the low head thrust forward, and the big cartilaginous plates running in two rows along the bump of the back. It behaved like an overgrown tortoise. Stupid like that. And slow.
Author: XYuriTT