
Title: Husbands
Year: 1970
Director: John Cassavetes
Actors: Ben Gazzara, Peter Falk, John Cassavetes, Jenny Runacre, Jenny Lee Wright, Noelle Kao, John Kullers, Meta Shaw Stevens, Leola Harlow, Delores Delmar, Eleanor Zee, Claire Malis, Peggy Lashbrook
Genre: Comedy, Drama
Country: USA

Why in Database: Turtles only in the form of a culinary dialogue. One of the characters talks to the hotel room service, about ordering food. At one point he asks what types of soup are available and repeats what he heard. He also immediately asks the rest of the people in the room if they want some soup, for example, turtle soup.

What kind of soup do you have? Turtle soup. I don’t want any soup. Anyone want any soup? Turtle soup?

Author: XYuriTT

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