Każde martwe marzenie

Title: Każde martwe marzenie
Author(s): Robert M. Wegner
Release year: 2018
Publisher: Powergraph

Why in Database: Turtles appear in this book in two versions. First, in two fragments, the turtle appears as military formation, we have a description of its use in the first fragment, in the second it is only mentioned. The second case is the third fragment is turtle used in a comparison.

Najbliższym z wrzeszczących okazał się jeden z nowych dziesiętników, o imieniu niemożliwym do wymówienia, więc wszyscy nazywali go Pon.
— „Żółw”! Formuj „żółwia”!
Na oczach Luki trzydziestu ludzi wyposażonych w ciężkie pawęże zwarło szyk, tworząc z tarcz ściany i dach formacji obronnej.
— Jak to?! — wrzasnął w ich stronę. Jeszcze trochę, a byliby na murze!
— Rozkaz! Do tyłu! Wszyscy!
Wer-Klytus uniósł wreszcie tarczę nad głowę i wpółpełznąc, znalazł się za żołnierzami. Jego kałkan był zbyt mały, by przydać się w tej formacji, zresztą, szczerze mówiąc, nigdy jej nie lubił. Była za wolna i za łatwa do trafienia. W chwili gdy o tym pomyślał, w drewniany dach nad głowami żołnierzy grzmotnęła belka nabijana żelazem. Pawęże ugięły się, ale wytrzymały. Na razie. Kilku żołnierzy w centrum „żółwia” klęło szpetnie.
Zaraz rzucą kamień młyński i zostanie z nas mokra plama, przemknęło mu przez myśl.
— Cofać się! W szyku! W szyyyku! Równo! — wrzeszczał już razem z Ponem, kuląc się za ostatnim szeregiem pawężników.
Strzały bębniły o tarcze regularnie, jakby strzelający wypuszczali je do rytmu. Na szczęście wszyscy łucznicy próbowali szczęścia z „żółwiem” i żaden nie wziął na cel samotnego żołnierza poza formacją.
Przynajmniej na razie.
— Równo! Trzymać tarcze! Lewa! Prawa! Lewa! Prawa!
Oddział złożony z trzydziestu ludzi odstępował powoli od murów miasta, ścigany strzałami i kamieniami. Jeszcze kilka grup wycofywało się w takim szyku, reszta atakujących po prostu uciekała z tarczami uniesionymi w górę, byle dalej, byle szybciej, byle schować się za szańce zapewniające jakie takie bezpieczeństwo.
Te dzieciaki biją się dzielnie, ale dzielnie nie wystarczy, pomyślał dziś po raz kolejny. Większość z oddziału, który zrobi „żółwia”, by wycofać się do swoich, dotrze w bezpieczne miejsce. Z trzydziestki, która rzuci się do ucieczki bezładnie niczym zające, połowa padnie, bo obrońcy naprawdę dobrze szyją z łuków, a jeszcze się taki nie urodził, który by dał radę prześcignąć strzałę. Bajka o zającu i żółwiu, którą Luka pamiętał z dzieciństwa, miała co prawda inną treść, ale chodziło w niej o to samo – czasem powoli znaczy lepiej niż szybko.
Pon uniósł lekko swoją tarczę, spojrzał przez dwa uderzenia serca w stronę murów.
— Uwaga! Przygotować się! Teraz!
Jedna z balist na najbliższej wieży miała ich na wprost swojej szczeliny strzelniczej. Wiedzieli o tym, bo od rana uprzykrzała im życie. I teraz o ścianę tarcz huknęło coś na podobieństwo kowalskiego młota. Ołowiany pocisk wielkości pięści wbił się w drewno, przewracając powstańca, a raczej wpychając go w głąb szyku. Mężczyzna krzyknął i opuścił pawęż. Wciągnęli go do środka, inny natychmiast zatkał dziurę własną tarczą.
— Równo! Lewa! Prawa! Lewa! Prawa!
Luka poczuł się tak bardzo bezbronny. Jego okrągły kałkan, dobry dla kawalerzysty, rozpadłby się po takim trafieniu na strzępy. Prawie zaczął żałować, że dołączył do ataku na Pomwe, ale Koło też walczyła, wrzeszcząc, klnąc i posyłając z procy w stronę blanków kamień za kamieniem, więc po prostu nie mógł siedzieć w obozie. Ściągnął opatrunki, wyfasował hełm i najlżejszą tarczę, jaką znalazł, i poszedł jej pilnować. Oczywiście zgubili się w zamęcie bitwy, ale na pewno nic jej się nie stało. Wierzył, że wyczułby, gdyby było inaczej.
„Żółw” cofał się małymi kroczkami, a on z nim, jeszcze dwadzieścia, jeszcze dziesięć jardów i będą bezpieczni.
Minęli krawędź najbliższego szańca i dopiero wtedy Pon wydał rozkaz:
— Luzuj szyk!

Bo, jak powiadał mój kapitan w czasie każdej musztry, żeby zrobić „żółwia” pod ostrzałem, trzeba mieć jaja jak byk, ale mózg myszki. Dobra robota. Jesteśmy już na pozycjach do jutrzejszego szturmu. Postawiliśmy szańce przed Bramą Czarną i Bramą Niebieską. Ledwo sto kroków od nich. Jutro wchodzimy do miasta.

Przez setki lat wojen z mocą, która odmieniała rzeczywistość, ludzie ci zmieniali się coraz bardziej. Znacznie bardziej niż sui. Korzystając z magii, sprawili, że ich ciała porosły płytami twardymi niczym skorupa żółwia, by ich wojownicy mogli odpierać ataki demonicznych bytów, które przegryzały się przez każdy metal jak kwas przez papier. Nauczyli się filtrować trujące opary i wiele dni obywać bez wody i jedzenia. Ale pod tymi skorupami wciąż pozostawali ludźmi.

Source: Mossar, Developed: XYuriTT

Memories of Ice

Title: Memories of Ice
Author(s): Steven Erikson
Release year: 2001
Publisher: Tor Books

Why in Database: The third volume of the Malazan Book of the Fallen, as with most volumes, here we found some turtle fragments, six to be specific, we quote them all below.

The first fragment is about armors made from turtle shells:

Perhaps the strangest group of warriors Paran had seen was the Gilk. Their hair was cut in stiff, narrow wedges and they wore armour assembled from the plates of some kind of tortoise. Distinctively short and stout for Barghast, they looked to the captain to be a match for any heavy infantry they might face.

Druga w takim samym kontekście:

As the Beklites and Betaklites rushed the walls, the ladder-bearing Desandi among them, Itkovian gave the command for counterfire from the walls and block towers. The ensuing slaughter was horrific. The attackers had not bothered with turtles or other forms of cover, and so died in appalling droves.

The third is probably in the context of combat formation.

Eyes snapping open, Itkovian heard that whisper. He saw, with a vision filling his awareness, to the exclusion of all else, as the barbed heads plunged into the shielded turtle that was the Grey Swords. Shafts slipped through here and there. Soldiers reeled, fell, folded in on themselves.

Fourth is about armors:

The Barahn were the first to break. Witnessing the ensuing slaughter of their kin had solidified the resolve of the Ahkrata, and they held until midday, when Taur detached the Gilk from the drive into the city and sent the turtle-shell-armoured warriors to their aid.

Fifth is about combat formation:

‘The main ramp,’ Quick Ben said, rising to join the captain. He tapped a finger on the map. ‘The one they’d planned on using for the downward march to launch the ambush. No cover for them, but if they can lock shields out front and turtle … well, there’s only forty of us …’

Sixth probably also is about combat formation:

Down among the trees Paran could now see movement, ragged lines of Pannions climbing towards them. No shield-lines, no turtles – the toll among the Beklites, once they closed to attack, would be fearful.

Source: Mossar, Developed: XYuriTT

Return of the Crimson Guard

Title: Return of the Crimson Guard
Author(s): Ian Cameron Esslemont
Release year: 2008
Publisher: Bantam

Why in Database: In this book, we found four turtles fragments, including one in which there are three mentions of turtles, so depending on how you count, there are 4-6 turtle mentions in this position. We quote all of them below:

Shimmer would move her command inside a turtle just like the one the remnants of the 3rd Company reported using to escape their imprisonment.

Eventually a full turtle of hefted tall shields now protected her command. Snipers in the taller buildings would still have line of sight down within, but it was the best they could throw together. The tavern’s front door served as the final rear mantlet closing all egress.

Before them a ragged mob of armed citizen militia struggled to simultaneously fire their crossbows and retreat. It proved too much for them and they melted away in a general panic of falling bodies and dropped weapons. As they passed over the spot the Guardsmen helped themselves to the weapons. Yet the punishment from the rear was intense; the occasional bolt found an opening and men fell.
`Return fire!’ Voss was yelling in the rear.
`Smoky!’ Shimmer called.
`On it.’
Flames roared up behind the turtle of jostled mantlets, cutting off the alley.
`How long?’ she asked.
`Not long.’
They emerged on to a major north-south avenue lined by vendors’ stalls fronting three-storey brick merchants’ shops. Fleeing citizenry thronged its. centre, flowing south to the waterfront. Bands of armed militia crossed the flow, shifting to new hot spots. All of the citizens stopped, stared. at the emerging turtle and fled screaming.
`Left again,’ Shimmer called.
Bumping and banging, the ungainly beast lurched left. Through the gap Shimmer could now see down the long slow descent of the avenue to ship masts lit by the glow of the widespread flames. `I see the harbour!’ she called. A cheer went up within the turtle. The staccato impacts of bolts picked up now that their pursuers had poured into the avenue and flowed to surround them once again. A lantern tossed from a third-storey window burst among them splashing burning oil everywhere.

Rillish drew, but his numb leg couldn’t restore his balance and he slid sideways off his horse. He lay on his back like an upturned turtle, his leg twisted in the stirrup.

Source: Mossar, Developed: XYuriTT

Reaper’s Gale

Title: Malazan Book of the Fallen #7 – Reaper’s Gale
Author(s): Steven Erikson
Release year: 2007
Publisher: Bantam Books

Why in Database: This is not the first book from this series to be adden to TurtleDex – but it is, by far the most turtle book from this author! We found the turtles in 11 fragments, we cite all of them below. These are fragments about the turtle species, the turtles is used in comparisons, and the tortoiseshell is also mentioned.

Of the turtles known as vinik the females dwelt for the most part in the uppermost reaches of the innumerable sources of the Lether River, in the pooled basins and high-ground bogs found in the coniferous forests crowding the base of the Bluerose Mountains. The mountain runoff, stemmed and backed by the dams built by flat-tailed river-rats, descended in modest steps towards the broader, conjoined tributaries feeding the vast river. Vinik turtles were long-shelled and dorsal-ridged, and their strong forelimbs ended in taloned hands bearing opposable thumbs. In the egg-laying season, the females – smaller by far than their male kin of the deep rivers and the seas – prowled the ponds seeking the nests of waterfowl. Finding one large enough and properly accessible, the female vinik would appropriate it.
Prior to laying her own eggs, the turtle exuded a slime that coated the bird eggs, the slime possessing properties that sus¬pended the development of those young birds. Once the vinik’s clutch was in place, the turtle then dislodged the entire nest, leaving it free to float, drawn by the current. At Of the turtles known as vinik the females dwelt for the most part in the uppermost reaches of the innumerable sources of the Lether River, in the pooled basins and high-ground bogs found in the coniferous forests crowding the base of the Bluerose Mountains. The mountain runoff, stemmed and backed by the dams built by flat-tailed river-rats, descended in modest steps towards the broader, conjoined tributaries feeding the vast river.
Vinik turtles were long-shelled and dorsal-ridged, and their strong forelimbs ended in taloned hands bearing opposable thumbs. In the egg-laying season, the females – smaller by far than their male kin of the deep rivers and the seas – prowled the ponds seeking the nests of waterfowl. Finding one large enough and properly accessible, the female vinik would appropriate it. Prior to laying her own eggs, the turtle exuded a slime that coated the bird eggs, the slime possessing properties that suspended the development of those young birds.
Once the vinik’s clutch was in place, the turtle then dislodged the entire nest, leaving it free to float, drawn by the current. At each barrier juvenile male vinik were gathered, to drag the nests over dry ground so that they could continue their passive migration down to the Lether River.
Many sank, or encountered some fatal obstacle on their long, arduous journey to the sea. Others were raided by adult vinik dwelling in the depths of the main river. Of those nests that made it to sea, the eggs hatched, the hatchlings fed on the bird embryos, then slipped out into the salty water. Only upon reaching juvenile age – sixty or seventy years – would the new generation of vinik begin the years-long journey back up the river, to those distant, murky ponds of the Bluerose boreal forest.
Nests bobbed in the waters of the Lether River as it flowed past the Imperial City, Letheras, seat of the Emperor. Local fisher boats avoided them, since large vinik males sometimes tracked the nests just beneath the surface – and provided they weren’t hungry enough to raid the nest, they would defend it. Few fisher folk willingly challenged a creature that could weigh as much as a river galley and was capable of tearing such a galley to pieces with its beak and its clawed forearms.
The arrival of the nests announced the beginning of summer, as did the clouds of midges swarming over the river, the settling of the water level and the reek of exposed silts along the banks.

In addition to this weapon he carried a baldric-slung plain rapier in a silver-banded turtleshell scabbard.

‘Life is an invitation to disease,’ the huge warrior rumbled from the shadows. After a moment, he added, ‘I’ll feed it to the turtles.’ Then he snorted. ‘Turtles big enough to drag down this damned ship. These Letherii live in a mad god’s nightmare.’

Tall, skin pale as the shell of turtle eggs, red-rimmed eyes set deep in elongated, chiselled faces, and too many joints on their long limbs, transforming their stiff expressions of death into something surreal, fevered – but that last detail was no surprise.

Their beds were crowded with halfnaked warriors, spears bristling. The entire front end of each rocking, pitching wagon was a horizontal forest of oversized spears. Round-shields overlapped to form a half-turtleshell that encased the forward section.

‘The Shake make the most extraordinary combs,’ Kindly said. ‘Turtleshell.’
‘Impressive, sir.’
‘Expensive purchases, but well worth it, I should judge.’
‘Yes sir. Tried them yet?’
‘Lieutenant, do you imagine that to be amusing?’
‘Sir? No, of course not!’
‘Because, as is readily apparent, Lieutenant, your commanding officer has very little hair.’
‘If by that you mean on your head, then yes sir, that is, uh, apparent indeed.’
‘Am I infested with lice, then, that I might need to use a comb elsewhere on my body, Lieutenant?’
‘I wouldn’t know, sir. I mean, of course not.’
‘Lieutenant, I want you to go to my cabin and prepare the disciplinary report on that soldier over there.’
‘But sir, she’s a marine.’
‘Said report to be forwarded to Fist Keneb when such communication is practicable. Well, why are you still standing here? Get out of my sight, and no limping!’
‘Limp’s long gone, sir!’
Pores saluted then hurried away, trying not to limp. The problem was, it had become something of a habit when he was around Captain Kindly. Granted, a most pathetic attempt at eliciting some sympathy. Kindly had no sympathy. He had no friends, either. Except for his combs. ‘And they’re all teeth and no bite,’ he murmured as he descended to Kindly’s cabin. ‘Turtleshell, ooh!’
Behind him, Kindly spoke, ‘I have decided to accompany you, Lieutenant. To oversee your penmanship.’
Pores cringed, hitched a sudden limp then rubbed at his hip before opening the cabin hatch. ‘Yes sir,’ he said weakly.
‘And when you are done, Lieutenant, my new turtleshell combs will need a thorough cleansing. Shake are not the most fastidious of peoples.’
‘Nor are turtles.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘I will be most diligent, sir.’
‘And careful.’
‘Absolutely, sir.’

A fateful decision, maybe, but he’d made it now. Dragging with him all the squads that had been in the village, Fiddler took over from some of Keneb’s more beat-up units the west-facing side of their turtleback defence.

‘Holding Beak’s hand, somewhere else,’ Fiddler replied. ‘You can give those orders to me, soldier.’
‘All right. Maintain the turtleback – do not advance on the enemy—’

The body of the female Imass was a piteous thing. Desiccated, limbs drawn up as tendons contracted. The wild masses of her hair had grown like roots from a dead tree, the nails of her stubby fingers like flattened talons the hue of tortoiseshell. The smudged garnets that were her eyes had sunk deep within their sockets, yet still seemed to stare balefully at the sky.

‘We got time. Let’s perch ourselves down top of Wormface Alley, have another jug, an’ we can watch the Edur crawl up t’us like the Turtle of the Abyss.’

Coming opposite it, he dropped the iron sword, took another step closer, bent down and pushed one hand under the edge of the hut. With an upward heave, he lifted the entire structure clear, sent it toppling onto its back like an upended turtle.

Source: Mossar, Developed: XYuriTT

Malazan Book of the Fallen #2 – Deadhouse Gates

Title: Malazan Book of the Fallen #2 – Deadhouse Gates
Author(s): Steven Erikson
Release year: 2000
Publisher: Bantam Books

Why in Database: The second volume of the ten-book series “Malazan Book of the Fallen” has several turtle elements.

In the first fragment , the turtle is used as a reference in the comparison:

The man writhed on the ground like an upended tortoise, his legs still trapped in their crossed position.

The second reference is to turtles in a military context, some references to the testudo formation can be found here:

‘I’d heard that he was working the soldiers to exhaustion, that he didn’t even need to enforce the curfew since everyone was so eager for sleep and the barracks were silent as tombs by the eighth bell. If not practising wheels and turtles and shield-walls, then what?’

The next fragment is a common phenomenon of “turtle-ing the translation”, ie in English it is only about something very slow, while in the Polish edition we have “turtle pace”.

‘Four and a half feet deep, over four hundred paces… those animals should be crossing at a crawl.

– Cztery i pół stopy głębokości, ponad czterysta kroków… zwierzęta powinny przechodzić rzekę w żółwim tempie.

The next fragment is againwith the added turtle. In the original version, the tortoise (in a way suggesting that the above-described associations with the Testudo formation are rather correct) appears only once, and in the polish edition the name appears twice, the second time the phrase “under shields” was translated as “under the armored back of the turtle “:

Suddenly arrows filled the sky, sweeping down like rain. Horrendous clattering racketed over Duiker’s head as shafts snapped, skidded across the upraised shields, some slipping through to strike armour and helms, some piercing flesh. Voices grunted beneath the turtle’s back. Cobbles pitched underfoot. Yet the carapaced wedge climbed on without pause.
The historian’s elbows buckled as an arrow struck his shield a solid blow. Three more rapped down in quick succession, all glancing impacts that then skittered away across other shields.
The air beneath the shields grew sour and turgid – sweat, urine and a growing anger.

Pod pancernym grzbietem żółwia coraz trudniej było oddychać. Powietrze wypełniał kwaśny zapach potu, moczu i narastającego gniewu.

The last fragments are two mentions of turtles, this time as real animals, and their habits related to hibernation:

The dirt-smeared face above them grinned. ‘Guess what turtles do in the winter?’ he shouted down, then pulled back and out of sight.
A turtle burrows come winter. The bastards snuck onto the banks last night – under the very noses of Reloe – and buried them.’ selves. What in Hood’s name for?
The sappers, still wearing their shields on their backs, milled about, preparing weapons and other gear. One stepped free to wave the Foolish Dog riders forward.
The ramp trembled.

Source: Mossar, Developed: XYuriTT


Title: Rome
Year: 2005-2007
Actors: Kevin McKidd, Ray Stevenson, Polly Walker, Kerry Condon, James Purefoy, Ian McNeice, Coral Amiga, Lindsay Duncan, Lidia Biondi, Tobias Menzies, Nicholas Woodeson, David Bamber, Chiara Mastalli, Manfredi Aliquo, Indira Varma
Genre: Action, Drama, Historical, Romance, War
Country: UK, USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes

Why in Database: In this series, we localized six different episodes with turtle elements. Very varied, mentioned verbally, figurine turtle, Testudo formation etc..

S01E06 – Egeria – One character gives another slave as a gift (which is shown naked – we pixelated “some elements” in the screenshots), he is holding a gold tortoise figurine, also part of gift.
S01E07 – Pharsalus – One of the characters in the dialogue alludes to the events – the gift from the previous episode, described above.

– Think you can buy her friendship with stud slaves and tortoises?

S01E08 – Caesarion – Someone command to form Testudo formation, but this order is not executed very well..
S01E12 – Kalends of February – The turtle is summoned only, one of the characters is referred to as the old turtle in the conversation.

– Who knows what the mad old turtle will do?
– Please don’t speak of her so.
– Well she is a mad old turtle.

S02E04 – Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare) – The title of this episode refers to the story of the Tortoise and the Hare.
S02E06 – Philippi – Testudo Formation Appears.

Author: XYuriTT

The Borgias

Title: The Borgias
Year: 2011-2013
Actors: Jeremy Irons, François Arnaud, Holliday Grainger, Peter Sullivan, Sean Harris, Joanne Whalley, Lotte Verbeek, Colm Feore, Vernon Dobtcheff, David Oakes, Bosco Hogan, Gina McKee
Genre: Criminal, Drama, Historical, Romance
Country: Canada, Ireland, Węgry, USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes

Why in Database:In one episode, The Prince (S03E10) appears Testudo formation.

Author: XYuriTT

Spartacus: Blood and Sand

Title: Spartacus: Blood and Sand
Year: 2010-2013
Actors: Manu Bennett, Daniel Feuerriegel, Peter Mensah, Lucy Lawless, Nick E. Tarabay, Viva Bianca, Liam McIntyre, Pana Hema Taylor, Cynthia Addai-Robinson, Dustin Clare, Heath Jones, Katrina Law, Ellen Hollman, Barry Duffield
Genre: Action, Adventure, Biographical, Drama, Historical, Romance
Country: USA
Viewing method: Selected episodes

Why in Database: In three episodes of the last season we can see, used in battle, Formation Testudo. These are episodes S03E01 – Enemies of Rome, S03E03 – Men of Honor and S03E10 – Victory.

Author: XYuriTT

The Legend of Hercules

Title: The Legend of Hercules
Year: 2014
Director: Renny Harlin
Actors: Kellan Lutz, Gaia Weiss, Scott Adkins, Roxanne McKee, Liam Garrigan, Liam McIntyre, Rade Serbedzija, Johnathon Schaech, Luke Newberry, Kenneth Cranham, Mariah Gale, Sarai Givaty, Dimiter Doichinov
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Country: USA

Why in Database: At some point, the hero orders his companions to form a Testudo formation, which they do (let us add, that this formation was Roman, and in the film we have Greeks, so not everything is in accordance with the history, the shape of the formation itself is also not the same as usual…).

Author: XYuriTT

The Eagle

Title: The Eagle
Year: 2011
Director: Kevin Macdonald
Actors: Channing Tatum, István Göz, Bence Gerö, Denis O’Hare, Paul Ritter, Zsolt László, Julian Lewis Jones, Aladár Laklóth, Marcell Miklós, Bálint Magyar, Ferenc Pataki, Bálint Antal, Lukács Bicskey, Douglas Henshall
Polski Dubbing:
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Historical, War
Country: UK, USA

Why in Database: At some point, the main character orders his subordinates to form the Testudo formation – what they do and what can be seen on the screen.

Author: XYuriTT