Title: Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie
Year: 2017
Director: David Soren
English dubbing: Kevin Hart, Ed Helms, Nick Kroll, Thomas Middleditch, Jordan Peele, Kristen Schaal, DeeDee Rescher, Brian Posehn, David Soren, Mel Rodriguez, Susan Fitzer, Lynnanne Zager
Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy, Family
Country: Canada, France, UK, India, USA
Why in Database: The turtles in this movie appear in two forms. The first one is only probable, in the “tree house” of the two main characters in the background you can see, but not vere clearly, a figurine, that can be considered a turtle.
The second appearance is much greater, the headmaster, thanks to the support of one of the students, turns the toy turtle into a spy device that records the main characters as they tinker with the student’s research project. This turtle appears in a large number of scenes, because the director later carries it with him. In the fantasy scene, it even appears in a huge version that fires a laser from one eye.
Author: XYuriTT