West of Memphis

Title: West of Memphis
Year: 2012
Director: Amy Berg
Cast: Michael Baden, Jason Baldwin, Holly Ballard, Jamie Clark Ballard, Jennifer Bearden, Patrick Benca, Steve Braga, Karen Bruewer, David Burnett
Genre: Documentary, Criminal
Country: New Zealand, USA

Why in Database: Documentary film about the very well known murder of three boys in the USA, which was considered to be activities inspired by Satanism. Turtles appear several times in the film, for the first time in the form of the name of one of the hills around which the tragedy happened – Turtle Hill. You can also see turtles living in the river. The most important and largest fragment about turtles is devoted to eating habits of turtles, one of the people gives his hand to a snapping turtle who bites him – he want to show that the boys injuries are consistent with those inflicted by turtles (referring to the thesis about torture or desecration of the victims’ corpses). We can also see (on a pig carcass) how snapping turtles eat.
In addition, in one of the archival photos, one of the victims is shown with a toy associated with Ninja turtles.

Author: XYuriTT

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