Reaper man

Title: Reaper man
Author(s): Terry Pratchett
Release year: 1991
Publisher: Victor Gollancz

Why in Database: Another book with a few turtle mentions, mostly A’Tuin. We show all three fragments about him below:

Except on the Discworld, which is flat and supported on the backs of four elephants which travel through space on the shell of Great A’Tuin, the world turtle.

One said, Very well. Where is this place?
One said, It is the Discworld. It rides through space on the back of a giant turtle.
One said, Oh, one of that sort. I hate them.

It is hard to fathom the thoughts of a creature so big that, in real space, his length would be measured only in terms of the speed of light. But he turned his enormous bulk and, with eyes that stars could be lost in, sought among the myriad worlds for a flat one.
On the back of a turtle. The Discworld—world and mirror of worlds.
It sounded interesting. And, in his prison of a billion years, Azrael was bored.

Additionally, due to certain events and decisions, each “kind” of living creatures got their own “personification” of death, including, of course, turtles:

Over the desert a dark and empty shell moved purposefully, half an inch above the ground…the Death of Tortoises.

Author: XYuriTT

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