
Title: Epic
Year: 2013
Director: Chris Wedge
Actors: Blake Anderson, Aziz Ansari, Allison Bills, Jim Conroy, Todd Cummings, John DiMaggio, Troy Evans, Colin Farrell, Jason Fricchione, Judah Friedlander, Helen Hong, Josh Hutcherson, Kelly Keaton, Emma Kenney, Kyle Kinane
Genre: Animation, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Thriller
Country: USA

Why in Database: The turtle appears in a somewhat macabre context. The father shows his daughter around her room, where nothing has changed since she left – there are her dolls, her photos, and her turtle. When looking in its direction (not shown), however, he makes an eloquent face, so the turtle evidently died in oblivion “in the meantime”.

All your things are here, you got your dolls and your pictures, your turtle.

Author: XYuriTT

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